It looks like you have lots of room here for your questions, so I'm happy for you!
If you want another option for your small engine lawn equipment questions, I recommend checking out Gardening and Landscaping. It's a relatively small part of their content, but much of what you seek is on-topic, and new questions are always welcome!
Search some tags, including, lawn-mower, string-trimmer, tools, tool-maintenance, small-engine, repair, chainsaw, to get an idea of what's on-topic and see if you find anything you'd prefer to ask over there.
There may already be questions related to what you have in mind. Don't be surprised if you see great answers written by people from here, including Paulster2 himself!
Since they don't cover large scale agriculture, there aren't many farm equipment questions, but they're welcome in the context of home-gardening and lawn maintenance. However, a "tractor" search here brings up 74 results (as of this writing), so this looks like a perfect place.
I'm always anxious about posting a question where I'm not sure it fits the scope, but everyone here is really nice and won't make you feel bad if it happens! Asking here on meta was smart, but if you're still not sure, don't hesitate to go into their chat room and ask around. You'll be welcomed right away. (Gardening also has a great chat room.)
As Paulster2 said, there have been several proposals which might interest you, none of which have made it to the Beta stage. Agriculture and Farming is current, so you might want to post your tractor questions there as examples.