Are small engines such as found in many lawn care tools on topic?
- Lawn Mowers (Push and Riding)
- Back pack blowers
- Weed eaters
- Tractors (not so small)
Are small engines such as found in many lawn care tools on topic?
I would say yes, for two reasons,
There is no Small Engines stack exchange, or similar site that would be more appropriate for these questions.
I would assume, at least from personal experience, that those who know car repair or small engine repair are likely to have knowledge of both subjects, with a smaller percent having interest in both.
I suspect the lack of response here is due to total indifference to the subject. There used to be a Small Engine Maintenance proposal which was abandoned and purged due to lack of interest. Further, there are no questions on this site about small engines, nor does anyone seem interested in asking them.
In the interest of encouraging future input, we can leave this subject open to further posts.
I would suggest, in the meantime, that small engines are (tentatively) on topic, leaving the site at least amenable to such subjects.
When we have actual evidence (and examples) of what type of small-engine questions people might want to ask here, we can have a more concrete discussion about the topic.
I feel better about tractors and lawn mowers than I do about weed eaters and blowers. You can at least make the (perhaps silly) argument that they're motorized vehicles. Hey, and there are races for both.
There is a proposal on Area51 for a Small engine repair and maintenance site. If small engines are not on topic here, questions can be migrated to the small engine site (if it gets enough of a following, and actually becomes a site). If small engines are on topic, this site can absorb the small engines site.