I think that some challenges may be able to be reused but it would cooler if we had something that was fresh.

**Suggested Challenges**

Since I'm vote freak I would like to see challenges that get people to vote.

* **New User Challenge** - Perhaps a [**Civic-Duty badge**][1] challenge so that new users can participate and they get in the habit of voting and understand why it's important.

*  **Been Around for a Bit Challenge** for users that have been around and know a little about how the site works a challenge regarding ***Editing Old Questions***  The benefit to this is that the search engine bots see change in the site.  Site change and changing content are metrics that are ranked highly by search engines.  Search engines that see improvement in content, such as spelling errors, syntax, capitalization and better/easier readability will provide a higher ranking for that content and potentially a higher ranking directing more traffic at us.  Awarding some rep for [**Strunk & White**][2] could be good for the site.  As well the [**Archaeologist**][3] badge could also benefit the overall site quality as the old content that has poor editing (there is a lot of it out there) can get remediated and perhaps some votes can get applied to some of that older content.  This also helps users that are involved in the sites success to become considerably more familiar with some of the really amazing questions and answers that have built up in here over the years.

*  **Been Around for Awhile**  If a user has been around for awhile and really understands the site and has great knowledge extending the tag-wiki challenge could be great.  The are still a ton of wiki's that NEED content and awarding for [**Research Assistant**][4] certainly has a lot of site benefits.

* **Veteran Challenge**  Perhaps one of the more difficult badges such as [**Copy Editor**][5], which is pretty hard to get if you aren't close but there are some vets that aren't far away from it.  As well, for those of us that ask questions [**Inquisitive**][6] could be a great way to generate a QPD number as well as getting more questions in the cue that are useful links for future questions.  

  [1]: http://mechanics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/32/civic-duty
  [2]: http://mechanics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/12/strunk-white
  [3]: http://mechanics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/74/archaeologist
  [4]: https://mechanics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/79/research-assistant
  [5]: http://mechanics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/49/copy-editor
  [6]: http://mechanics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/90/inquisitive