tl;dr: remember, a lot of the new users here aren't huge nerds. Maybe the close vote should be deployed later rather than earlier.
We've talked many times about how many of the new users here are complete novices to the SE format. Many of those same people are also almost completely ignorant of the basic vocabulary of our focus. Obviously, this will make it difficult to phrase an easily answered question: if you don't even know the words, you won't be able to describe the symptoms with a lot of detail....
My suggestion is still the same: do some of the work for the new users. Describe the missing information, suggest some of the blanks that need to be filled in and basically be the person that you would like to meet when you self-consciously meet a bunch of people who seem to know much more than you do.
We've seen many times that, when we make that extra effort, we greatly improve the content of the whole site while also creating a population of impressed and grateful new users. Remember, those new users are the people that we need to join up in order to get out of beta.
If none of that works out, the close button is always available as the option of last resort.